Pushya Nakshtra
Pushya 03° 20' Cancer to 16° 40' Cancer
Pushya 03° 20' Cancer to 16° 40' Cancer
The eighth nakshatra, Pushya, resides entirely within the sign of Cancer, the Crab. It is seen as a triangle of three faint stars (north and south Aselli and star cluster M44). It is pictured in the sky as two donkeys or “little asses” feeding in the manger or “the crib” in which Jesus once lay. Pushya means “to nourish” or “providing nourishment.” This lunar mansion is symbolized by the udder of a cow. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, also represents the maternal aspect of providing milk and nurturance to her children. According to many Vedicscholars, Pushya, a deva or god-like nakshatra is considered the most auspicious of the lunar mansions for spiritual maturity. The ruling deity is wise Brihaspati, the lord of sacred speech and prayer. According to the ancient Vcdic texts, Lord Shiva made Brihaspati into the planet Jupiter. Accordingly, Jupiter becomes exalted in Pushya, reflecting intuitive wisdom, good fortune, powerful speech and purification of the psyche. Its power is the ability to create spiritual energy (brahmavarchasa shakti).2 All forms of worship and spiritual practice are emphasized here. The ruling planet is Saturn, which brings stability and enables creativity to fructify into entirely new forms. A vibrant tranquility, faith in oneself, and fullness of life can occur due to the interaction of Jupiter and Saturn. Pushya increases our positive efforts and good karma through hard work and discipline. It is a laghu or light nakshatra which is excellent for starting a business or opening an office. Archetypal symbols connected with this lunar mansion include a flower, a circle and an arrow. The flower represents the “act of blossoming” that is experienced here. According to Bepin Behari, the flower represents “the specific limited destiny 31 The Nakshatras The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology’ assigned to the individual that he or she must aspire to” and “the beauty and symmetry destined to be gained.”3 The circle reflects the possibility of attaining wholeness, with the arrow representing the attempt to hit the target with strength and power. Under the influence of this asterism, the spiritual warrior gets his “marching orders” and sets his forces into motion. The primary motivation is dharma. The animal symbol is a male sheep or, more accurately, a ram. The dark side of Pushya can be a stubborn, selfish nature. Arrogance, pride and jealousy may be experienced at times. The infamous evangelist Jimmy Swaggart has his natal Moon in Pushya. Pushya individuals may need to be more discriminating in their choice of friends. Pushya has the power to overcome negative influences and assert its benefic nature. They can be quickly deflated by criticism and may doubt their own worth due to opinions of others. Insecurity and strong attachments to family members can inhibit growth. Although auspicious for starting most endeavors, Pushya is not a good asterism for a wedding ceremony.
Glimpse of Pushya
- Range: 03° 20′ Cancer to 16° 40′ Cancer
- Symbol: Flower, a circle, an arrow,
the udder of a cow’ - Planet: Jupiter
- Nature: Dcva (god-like)
Dharma - Motivation: Artha (material prosperity)
- Animal Symbol: Male Sheep (ram)
- Direction: East
- Sounds: Hoo Hay Ho Daa
- Qualities: Rajas/Satlwa/Tamas
- Dieties: Brihaspati, lord of sacred speech
Jatak with Ascendant in Pushya
- Humanitarian, thoughtful nature
- Stubborn, bold, eloquent in speech
- Religious, intuitive knowledge
- Independent, good status
- Musical gifts, creative nature.
Jatak with moon in Pushya Nak
- Learned, composed mind
- Virtuous, liked by all people
- Wealthy, political interests
- Life improves after 33
- Problems with family of origin
- Strong issues with Mother.
Jatak with Sun in Pushya Nak
- Good speech, authority figure
- Wealthy, successful, Thrifty
- Sensitive, artistic nature
- Creativity- in the arts
- Need for security
Jatak career interest for Pushya Nak
- Politics, government positions
- Geologists, aquatic biologist
- Military, police
- Musicians, artists
Health Issues for Pushya Nakshtra Jatak
- Skin problems, eczema
- Stomach, ulcers, nausea
- Breast cancer
Tuberculosis, - chest problems