Purva Phalguni Nakshtra
Purva Phalguni 13' 20' Leo to 26' 30' Leo
Purva Phalguni 13' 20' Leo to 26' 30' Leo
The eleventh lunar mansion resides entirely within the body of Leo the Lion. Called “the former reddish one,” it consists of two stars, Leonis and Zosma, found at the rear flank of the Lion. Purva Phalguni means the “fruit of the tree.” It is also known as Pubba. It is represented by a swinging hammock representing rest and recuperation. Its deity is Bhaga, the God of good fortune and prosperity. Bhaga protects marital happiness and bestows family inheritance. Lord Shiva started on his marriage procession under this star. The Shiva Lingam is also a symbol of this powerful and creative nakshatra. Purva Phalguni gives the power of creative procreation (prajanana shakti).’ Great wealth and gifts in the fine arts are acquired here. A youthful, carefree, exuberant nature with an incredible zest for life can. be experienced through Purva Phalguni. Sensual pleasure, passion, and love and affection are often found in this asterism. Its primary motivation is kama or healthy enjoyments. It is a lunar mansion of fulfillment, good luck, well-being and pleasure that is healing and revitalizing. The animal symbol is a female rat, the vehicle of transport for Lord Ganesha. Purva Phalguni usually reveals an attractive, virile person with the ability to influence others and deal sweetly with people. It is less competitive than the preceding nakshatra, Magha. Pubba promises success and is victorious over any adversaries it may encounter. It expresses dynamic energy with a divine impulse to manifest its many desires, a strong thirst for direct experience and a readiness to plunge into activities. Pubba serves as a launching pad where the descending soul receives its dharmic marching orders. There is also a great love of music, dance and drama and a sociable nature in this asterism. Its ruling planet is Sukra or Venus, the graha of pleasure. The shadow side of Purva Phalguni ·is vanity, narcissism and indulgence. An interest in black magic or left-handed tantra may occur. This nakshatra can be fierce or severe in nature if affiicted. The rock star and actress Madonna has both her rising sign and natal Moon in this lunar mansion. The Pubba person may crave change and exhibit an impulsive and disturbed mind. They may crave stimulation and sensual excitement: Mick Jagger’s Venus reside here. A promiscuous nature with an addictive personality may result. A showy image that reflects arrogance and pride can be seen here. These people must leam to control their sensory attachments and cultivate generosity, humility, kindness and loyalty to .those close to them.
Glimpse of Purva Phalguni
- Range: 13′ 20′ Leo to 26′ 30′ Leo
- Symbol: Swinging hammock, couch,
two front legs ofa bed - Planet: Venus
- Nature: Manushya (human)
- Motivation: Kama (desire)
- Animal Symbol: Female Rat
- Direction: North
- Sounds: Mo Taa Tee Too
- Qualities: Tamas/Rajas/Tamas
- Dieties: Bhaga, the God ofGood Fortune:
Shiva Lingam.
Jatak with Ascendant in Purva Phalguni
- Gifts in music, dance, drama
- Attractive; sensual nature, charismatic
- Creative intelligence, learned
- Good health, vital nature
- Leadership, government positions.
Jatak with moon in Purva Phalguni Nak
- Creative intelligence, love ofdrama
- Leadership skills, self-employed
- Love of travel, a wanderer
- Sweet speech, generosity, beauty
- Mystical nature, teaching skill.
Jatak with Sun in Purva Phalguni Nak
- Gifted in the performing arts,
- Sense ofhumor, playfulness
- Regal quality, self-confidence
- Recognition thru connection with women
- A showman, gifts in teaching and sales
- Athletic ability, pitta nature
Jatak career interest for Purva Phalguni Nak
- Actors, musicians, models
- Business managers, retail sales
- Radio, television, photography
- Cosmetics, jewelry, wedding planners
- Government service, politicians
- Teachers, professors
- Sex and marital therapists
Health Issues for Purva Phalguni Nakshtra Jatak
- Skin problem’s, lips
- Addiction issues
Heart trouble
Blood circulation - Venereal disease
- Accidents with fire.