Ashwini Nakshtra
Ashwini 0° to I 3 ° 20' Aries
Ashwini 0° to I 3 ° 20' Aries
This is the first of the 27 lunar nakshtra called Ashwini, which resides entirely with the sign of Aries the Ram, ruled by Mars. This nakshatra itself is ruled by Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. Thus, a Mars/Ketu mixture of energy is experienced by planets. Well dynamism, tenacity, fierce activity and a thirst for life are reflected by this combination of forces. Activation of primordial energies with the awakening of consciousness is associated with this asterism. The symbol of this nakshatra is a horse’s head. It consists of three stars in the head of the Ram constellation. These fixed stars are Mesarthim, Al Sharatain and Hamal. These stars are little north of the ecliptic and this lunar nakstra is called “the star of transport.” Playful and childlike nature can also be experienced through Ashwini.
A dauntless spirit that likes to explore new lands may be observed. Ashwini is an excellent Nakshtra for the Moon to be placed in when starting a journey. The Sun is exalted in this nakshatra, therefore, a thirst for leadership, authority and honor associated with Ashwini. Such jatak’s primary motivation under this nakshatra isthe principle of dhanna or righteous deeds and activity, Law, duty, religion, and ethical conduct. The negative side of Ashwini is impulsiveness. aggression, stubborn and arrogant nature, passion, lust and lack of discretion may be present if affiicted planets are placed in this nakshatra. Venus placed here may bring difficulties with sexuality. Dissatisfaction. disappointment. lack of mental quietude, and fear of criticism may appear if Saturn resides in this lunar mansion.
Glimpse of Ashwini
- Range: 0° 00′ – 13° 20′ Aries
- Symbol: Horse’s Head
- Ruling Planet: Ketu
- Nature: Deva (god-like)
- Primary Motivation: Dhama
- Animal Symbol: Male horse
- Direction: South
- Sounds: Chu, Chey, Cho, La
- Qualities: Rajas
- Dieties: Ashwini Kumars, Shiva, Surya
Jatak with ascendant in Ashwini
- Adventurous spirit
- love of travel
- Brilliant eyes,
- magnetic look
- Famous People
- Respected,
- prominent,
- modest, efficient
- Need to control diet,
- drug problems
Jatak with moon in Ashwini Nak
- Intelligent, bright mind, Attractive., beautiful appearance
- Happy mood, gives hope to others, Healing gifts, nurtures others
- Fond of music and the fine arts, Love of travel
- Attracted to spiritual life, Believes strongly in God
- Sincere love of family Marriage usually occurs
between the ages of 26-30
Jatak with Sun in Ashwini Nak
- Regal, proud nature
- Excellent business skills
- Aggressive, militant
- Leadership, authority positions
- Desire for power, fame
Jatak career interest for Ashwini Nak
- Psychologists, therapists
Physicians. healers
Mystics - Military personnel
Police, - Criminal courts
- Merchants, salesperson
- Musicians, horse trainers, jockeys
Health Issues for Ashwini Nakshtra Jatak
- Head inJuries
- Headaches
- Mental Illness
- Smallpox
- Malaria