Ardra Nakshtra
Ardra 06° 40' Gemini to 20° 00' Gemini
Ardra 06° 40' Gemini to 20° 00' Gemini
The sixth nakshatra is named Ardra. It resides entirely within the sign of Gemini, the Twins. Ardra is the bright star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. It is also associated with the fixed star Sirius. Ardra is symbolized by a human head, reflecting the emphasis on the mind or thinking capacity. Although its ruling planet is Rahu, Mercury’s rulership of Gemini is also prominent throughout this lunar mansion, Thus, a deep feeling nature combined with passionate thinking maybe experienced in Ardra. The presiding deity is Rudra, the lord of the stonn and the god of destruction. Rudra is a fierce form of Shiva who also represents thunder. Issues with death, pain and suffering are common themes. If the Moon is placed in Ardra, the individual is also born in the stormy seas of Rahu’s dasa. Ardra means “the moist one” and is depicted as a teardrop. It is described as green, fresh, soft, wet, and “shining like a gem.” Ardra reflects the perception of clarity that comes after a spring rain storm of Rudra or the tears of sorrow. This asterism is connected with fierce activity, enthusiasm, and an urge for expansion. Its primary motivation is kama or desire. Rahu, its ruling planet, reflects the strong desire nature of Ardra. The Hindu myth connected with Ardra involves the demon Taraka. He practiced severe austerities to receive the gift from Brahma of “undefeatable power.” After receiving this power, he began to oppress the gods. The lesson given is that power and intelligence is like a double-edged sword that can lead to destructive acts. It is called a tikshna (sharp) nakshatra which can produce powerful, bold and brash activities. Ardra’s power is effort (yatna shakti), particularly for making gains in life through greater effort. This struggle can bring great rewards, but not without persistent determination and a certain degree of luck. The shadow side of Ardra is the potential abuse of power and lusting after material attainments. Ardra natives’ actions can cause torment or pain to others. They may also work in the helping professions, alleviating the suffering of others. A proud, egoic or violent nature may occur due to Ardra’s influence. A need to cultivate gratitude and appreciation can heal many wounds in Ardra. This nakshatra is also connected to hunters and animal killers. The residing deity Rudra is the lord of wild animals as well as storms. Thus, a sattwic or vegetarian diet and the practice of ahimsa (non-violence) is advised.
Glimpse of Ardra
- Range: 6′ 40’ -20′ Gemini
- Symbol: A human head, teardrop
- Planet: Rahu
- Nature: Manushya (human)
- Motivation: Kama (desire)
- Animal Symbol: Female Dog
- Direction: West
- Sounds: Koo. Ghaa, Jna, Cha
- Qualities: Rajas/Rajas/Sattwa
- Dieties: Rudra. lord of storms
Jatak with Ascendant in Ardra
- Intelligent, brilliant mind
- Writing and communication skills
- Crafty speech, fickle nature
- Athletic, good dexterity
- Ungrateful, deceitful
Jatak with moon in Ardra Nak
- Thirst for knowledge, curious mind
- Difficult marital karma, delays in marriage,
- Great communicator, orator
- First pada produces good effects, truthful
- Ungrateful, mischievous, anti-social
Jatak with Sun in Ardra Nak
- Social skills, politically minded
Mental - Instability, fickle, critical
- Dishonest, cunning
- Fierce activity, restless mind
Jatak career interest for Ardra Nak
- Writers, teachers
- Hospice work, social services
- Sales, public relations
- Politics, humanitarian projects
- Athletes
- Butchers
- Drug dealers
Health Issues for Ardra Nakshtra Jatak
- Nervous system disorders
- Skin sensitivity, allergies
- Mental disorders
- Lung problems