Vedic Month Maas
What is Month Masas
Chander Mases (चन्द्रमा माह)
Tithi is based on Lunar/Chandra masas (month). : It starts from shukla pratipada (1st day of the bright half of the month which starts after the new Moon i.e. when the Moon crosses over the Sun and the difference between the two starts increasing from 0 degree Multurta Prakarana 31 onwards, say, 0.001) and ends at amavasya (the last day of the dark half of the month i.e. when the Sun and the Moon are together in a rashi exactly at the same degree). This mas relates to the Moon. The duration of a chandra varsha (year) is 354 days, 22 ghatis, 1pala, 23 vipalas.
Saur mas सूर्य मास (Surya/Sun):
It relates to the Sun. It is the duration of Sun’s transit in one rashi (which starts from the time the Sun ingresses from Aries to Pises). The length of the saura varsha is 365 days, 15ghatis,
31 palas, 30 vipalas.
Nakshatra mas नक्षत्र मास :
It is the time taken by the Sun in transiting from (0° Aries) the start of Ashwini Nakshatra to the last degree of Revati (i.e. again coming on the point of start).
What is Month Masas
The Hindi names of chandramas are:
- Chaitra
- Baisak
- Jyeshtha
- Ashadh
- Sravana
- Bhadrapada
- Ashwin
- Kartika
- Margashirsha
- Pausha
- Magha
- Fahalgun
Saur mas सूर्य मास (Surya/Sun):
- Aries
- Tarus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricon
- Aquarius
- Pisces
What is Kshayamas and Adhikamas
Lunar Calander/Anomaly in Lunar Calander
Between two new Moons (i.e. amavasyas), if there is no Surya sankranti (change of rashi by the Sun i.e. Sun ingress), then that month is adhikamas. Adhikamas is known as mal mas or laund ka maheena. Similarly between the two new moon (amavasayas) are two Surya sankrantis (Sun changes two rashis), then that month is a kshayamas.
There is a difference of 10 days, 53 ghatis and 30 palas and 7 vipalas per year between a saura varsha (Sun’syear) and a chandra varsha (Moon’syear). To compensate this difference and to bring equity, there is one more chandramas
every third year and, after 19 years, there is a kshaya
What is Surya (SUN) Sankranti सूर्य संक्रांती:
Transition of a Sun from one sign (Rashi) to another is called Sankranti.